European Shihankai Seminar 2023 in Rome

The Italy IKGA has accomplished yet again a wonderfull Shihan Kai in Rome, on the 24th till the 26th of November 2023 in a wonderful training center/gymnasium and with accommodation at a lovely Villa Euro Hotel.

All Europe IKGA Shihan took part under the leadership of Conny Helgersson Ferm Shihan, Mark Adam Shihan and Gerd Rebicek Shihan. This time round our Europe Block Leader Hanshi Ingo De Jong could not be present.

Never there less like each year, training was intense and to the point of high technicality and study.

A great thank you goes to Conny Shihan from Sweden for having lead the 3 day seminar and taught all of us, and also a great thank you to Horst Shihan from Switzerland for having assisted & taught to detailed point the Superaimpei Kata Bunkai.

These seminars are important not only for the study and revising of technicality and hard training, but also to continue in embracing each other as one family in Goju Kai and IKGA Europe.

We as organisers are happy that all that could have made it have had an enjoyable time and stay in Italy. We hope to be together again next year in good health and spirit of friendship through Karate practice.


IKGA – Italy

Ignazio / Luciano Shihan – Event Organizers

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